GS Shenoy
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  Mural & Metal Paintings page 1  
Metal. Beaten. Etched. Almost embroidered over. Metal foils painted over, carved, cut and imprinted with gentle force invite a touch, a caress and speak of a flame or many as they glint, almost flow like lava. The tactile surfaces recede and project themselves and are microcosms of a universe only a GS Shenoy can conceive of. There are gods and demons, seemingly ordinary yet resilient people, cityscapes, buildings, schools of fish and symbols that speak of something primal yet evolved. Gold, copper, silver and bronze tints glimmer and fill up the senses. The feeling when you see the mural and metal work phase of GS Shenoy is akin to the sensation of sand in your palm, as it shifts, imprinting its movement, its message of eternity in every grain upon your consciousness, your skin. And then as always just when you are beginning to associate one stream of consciousness with Shenoy, he switches tracks and pares the murals to harmonious shapes and a few restful colours. The larger-than-imagination mural on the Government Soap and Detergent Factory for instance unfurls like a banner and celebrates Karnataka's cultural heritage but there is no excess of texture. And the use of granulated marble chips here is seamless and mellifluous like a melody. What becomes clear as one takes in the many dimensions of his murals is that GS Shenoy was fearless in following his Muse anywhere, in any wilderness, any forest fire, sea storm and he explored a new terrain, and the heart of turmoil till he found a centre, where the frenzy of creativity having spent itself found a place of calm recollection and serenity and resolution.
